Philosophy Department

About The Department
The department of Philosophy was started at the very inception of this college in the year 1979 with the subject logic at the then Pre-University level (now higher secondary). Its founder lecturer was Mrs. Bina Chetry, M.A. in Philosophy. The Philosophy course at degree level was started in the year 1986 with only a single student. Government concurrence to Philosophy at degree level was conferred in the year 1992 vide letter No. B(2) H105/92/8-A dtd. 23rd oct. 1992. The department, with the help of the college governing body, began major course in degree level from the year 2002 which had been a demand of the local people from quite sometimes.
The vision of the department is to provide philosophical knowledge based on logic for the development of moral and spiritual wellbeing in the society.
To enrich and empower the young generation through quality education in the field of philosophy, the department tries to-
- Achieve the all round development of the willpower, emotion and cognition of the students through curricular and co-curricular activities.
- Enrich and empower the young generation by infusing spiritual, ethical and moral values.
- Encourage the students for excellence in higher education, research and development for their proper placement.
- Imbibing the sense of Unity in diversity.
Departmental Best Practice:
The dept. has initiated to form the Mentor-Mentee group for academic growth of the students. All the faculty members guide their mentee periodically specially before the Examination. This practice helps the faculties also to know the inner side of the students. At Present all six faculty members are guiding their students through this Mentor-Mentee group.
Departmental Assets:
The Dept. of Philosophy has a separate teachers’ common room where, we have five steel almirahs for keeping students’ records, tables and chairs including a departmental library. There is also a set of computer for keeping departmental records and records of marks secured by students in their sessional examination with internet connection. The Department has a separate notice board and a wall magazine ‘VISION’.
Departmental Notice
- Class Routine Department Of philosophy, 2024 August 6, 2024
- Demo Class for 3rd Semester Students, Session 2024-2025 August 2, 2024
- Work Load of Faculties, Department of Philosophy, Session 2024-2025 August 1, 2024
- Distribution of Syllabus, Department of Philosophy Udalguri College, Udalguri, Session 2024-2025 August 1, 2024
- Report of the Internal Examination, Department of Philosophy, Session 2023-2024 March 11, 2024
- Celebration of Teacher Day, 2023 September 5, 2023
- Report of the Internal Examination, Department of Philosophy, Session 2018-2019 May 27, 2023
- Distribution of Syllabus, Department of Philosophy, Session 2022-23 February 3, 2023
- Report of the Internal Examination, Department of Philosophy, Session 2020-2021 July 11, 2021
- Report of the Internal Examination, Department of Philosophy, Session 2019-2020 May 15, 2020
Important Links
- Study Materials
- Syllabus
Department Contact
- HOD: Dr Khanin Dutta
- Email: [email protected]
- Dept of Philosophy, Udalguri College, Udalguri